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Reduction of shopping cart abandonment and integration of AI-based technology for Mediashop.

During a regular analysis of our long-standing customer Mediashop, we identified optimization potential with regard to the average bounce rate of new and existing customers. 

Mediashop onlineshop

Our innovative solution was the integration of a bounce rate optimization tool. This helps to prevent premature abandonment within the customer journey and thus optimize the bounce rate. 

In order to introduce this technology to Mediashop in more detail, we arranged a meeting with Bounce Commerce, which also included live presentation of the AI-based technology.

Here, we presented the corresponding advantages and opportunities of Bounce Commerce, and were able to perform an audit on behalf of our client.

The Goals

  • Reduce purchase abandonment with purchase incentives
  • Increase sales by winning back customers (who may have been patrons of competing brands)
  • Improve conversion rate through optimization measurements
  • Increase customer loyalty through personalized advertising with product-based user behavior

Creation of a timeline for future work with Bounce Commerce and AI technologies. The landing-page went live after just 2 days.

The integration took place seamlessly and without any additional effort for Mediashop. We smoothly completed the technical implementation phase via the AWIN Mastertag, and set up the cooperation with a standard commission of 5%. The landing page by Bounce Commerce was based on the advertiser’s CI / CD, and was swiftly approved by Mediashop. The follow-up page went live after just 2 days of integration. 

Bounce Commerce’s technology is focused on AI-based product recommendations that suggest products based on user and search behavior. The corresponding follow-up page is displayed within the customer journey is the last source was Google, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, or Affiliate. For example: as soon as a customer clicks the “back” button on their browser in the aim of leaving the e-shop, the corresponding follow-up page is displayed. If the user navigates back to the e-shop, the follow-up is not displayed. 

Example Scenario

  • 1. User leaves a product in their cart, or clicks the “back” button with the intent of leaving the e-shop.
  • 2. The Bounce Commerce dynamically creates a follow-up page with the appropriate content for the previous product, recommending a personalized recommendation.
  • 3. The user is given a corresponding incentive to buy, following in conversion
Mediashop onlineshop on iPad

Since the launch of Bounce Commerce, the average overall performance has increased significantly and sales in the three-digit range have been generated after only a short time. 

Bounce Commerce is now one of Mediashop’s top 5 partners. Furthermore, Bounce Commerce’s conversion rate is 50% higher than the average conversion rate of other partners. In addition, the original goal of optimizing the bounce rate of new and existing customers was achieved in just three months.

The bounce rate of Bounce Commerce’s e-shop was at 57%, with 55% of all bounces then redirected to the landing page, and optimized using AI-based technology. Through this process, the overall bounce rate was significantly minimized, with 35% of users returning to the e-shop. 

"Expose360 [of MAI Group] convinced us with the presentation of the technology publisher Bounce Commerce and their AI-based technology, and was able to concretely show us what opportunities we have through the integration of Bounce Commerce. With Bounce Commerce, we were able to demonstrably optimize the bounce rate through the AI-based solution, achieving an increase in sales in the affiliate channel within a very short time."

Markus Österreicher – Head of E-Commerce, Mediashop

Testimonial Markus Österreicher

Your Point of Contact

Alexander Geißenberger

Alexander Geißenberger

Connect Circle Lead


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